Tan Shotblast rubber 45 degree hardness [DRN06]

Tan Shotblast rubber sheet with 45 degrees hardness. Tan shotblast rubber sheeting is available in various lengths and thickness, at 1.4 metres wide. This material has a very high abrasion resistance and elasticity, being classed as a ‘Para-Natural’ (or pure gum). Produced from natural Latex, this material is designed for applications including chute lining, shot-blast cabinet lining and seals, blade scrapers etc
Price from £115.12 £95.93
Tan Shotblast rubber sheet with 45 degrees hardness. Tan shotblast rubber sheeting is available in various lengths and thickness, at 1.4 metres wide. This material has a very high abrasion resistance and elasticity, being classed as a ‘Para-Natural’ (or pure gum). Produced from natural Latex, this material is designed for applications including chute lining, shot-blast cabinet lining and seals, blade scrapers etc